Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Annotated Bib: When You Reach Me

For my Annotated Bibliography I chose to read When You Reach Me. Miranda, a 6th grader living in New York City thinks she finally has the city figured out. She knows which places to go, and which places to stay away from, alongside is her friend Sal who avoids her after getting punched in the face by a new kid for what Miranda thinks is no apparent reason. Then suddenly the spare hidden key to her apartment is stolen and mysterious letters keep showing up under her front door. With a decision to write back to the letter as asked, she is discovering the person writing the letters knows her whole life. Will Miranda be too late to find out what the letters mean and if they will save her friend? I enjoyed reading When You Reach Me because Miranda’s life rapidly turns adventurous and suspenseful overnight leaving you always wanting to know more and more. I feel many students may be able to relate to Miranda, for instance having her best friend drift from her for reason she has yet to find out. Miranda’s life is in a constant world wind when she desperately tries to figure out who is writing these anonymous notes to her that tell her things about her life that have yet to happen. Miranda gets overwhelmed throughout the story and is forced to search for the deeper meanings behind the crazy events happening. 

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