Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Annotated Bib: Extra Yarn

I got the pleasure of reading Extra Yarn this semester and instantly fell in love with this magical story. In such a grey town, a young girl named Annabelle finds a box full of colorful yarn.  She turns the town into color again by making everyone colorful sweaters. An evil archduke steals her box but he is left with a box full of emptiness. The box is only for believers and Annabelle gets her box back. She continues to light up the town with making sweaters for trees, animals, and buildings until the town is covered in complete happiness. I really enjoyed this story for several reasons. One of them being Annabelle turned a sad, grey town into a happy, colorful one merely overnight. She was a believer of happiness therefore was given an everlasting amount of colorful yarn. This story introduces good and evil which is important to teach to young children. There were also lively illustrations which enhanced the attention of the students. This story revolves around believing and compassion which are great things to teach to children at a young age.

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